Monday, December 28, 2009

New Photos


My son Tommy took some photos of me with the babies this morning. I really like them and wanted to share them with you.

Happy New Year to all my dear friends! I appreciate you so much.




{Blessed mommy of her own 1/2 dozen} said...

awww......i love, love, LOVE~ all the photo's of mommy and her precious twin baby girls!!! {hugs} sooo many blessings~ you have been given~ :) love and blessings~ tausha

Ange said...

Thank you Tausha...and thank you to all who have left such sweet comments in the earlier posts..I am sorry I have not responded. As you can tell I am SO busy!But VERY blessed! Love , Ange

Frias said...

Ange, God Bless you, the girls are getting so big and are so precious, God has truly blessed you my friend. What a great memory of the blessings of the Lord.

September said...

You and your babies are so beautiful! The Lord has truly blessed you Ange!
Keep looking up as you raise your family for him!

kblair said...

First thing Olivia said when she saw these..."look, she's giving the peace sign." :-) Look at the 2nd picture.

supplies overflowing! said...

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
you, the babies, the photos.

Karen said...

These pictures are just beautifu! You are so Blessed! I know you must be extremely busy! I pray that all is going well with you and your family!

My son's Wedding was last Saturday, so I feel like I am going to recover! I just wanted to stop by and say Hi!


GammySel said...

absolutely beautiful photos.. you look great and so do the babies..
You are truly a blessed woman.


Ange said...

Thanks to all of you sweet ladies for your precious and loving words of encouragement. I appreciate all of your compliments more than you know! A word fitly spoken goes so far as you know. I appreciate all of you so much!!!!!!My heart is truly lifted!!

Much Love
