I just had a thought this morning. So simple and pure. No huge revelation. But somehow you know in certain moments the Lord just reaches out and presses His finger against your heart. Then you hear His sweet, gentle voice affirming you and reminding you that He is paying close attention to your life and all the things stirring within your heart. I love those precious moments with God...and it was all over a diaper change.
One of the twins, Lizzie, has a cold and is a bit fussy. So just a while ago, after changing her diaper, I lifted her fussy little body and held her in front of my face as I whispered to her, "I am so sorry you are not feeling well my little Lizzie." Then I hugged her and said, "I love you with all my heart!"
Immediately I felt the Lord speak to my own heart as I was whispering to Lizzie. He said, "See, when you have children, no matter how many you have, you can still love each one fully, with all of your heart. Ange, there is no way you can divide your heart between 11 children. Each one of them has all of your heart."
Even though I knew this, there was just something that went deeper. It made me think of the Father's love for ALL of his children. His love is so deep and incomprehensible at times. How can someone give all of His heart to me and yet still give all of His heart to all of His many other children? When one becomes a parent, there is that revelation. And if we could just grab hold of that truth and allow it to soak into the deepest most hidden places within us, it would be easier to trust God with every area of our lives.
I think about how much it would hurt if one of my children did not trust me. They might obey me when I tell them to do something. However, it would cut me to the core if the trust was not there. The Lord wants our obedience, but He longs more for our trust.
The Lord says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love". This means He loved you when you were a dream in His heart. He loved you before you were conceived within your mother's womb. He loved you as you grew in utero. He loved you then. He loves you now.He loves you when you are down on yourself. He loves you when you at your lowest. He loves you when you are not paying attention to Him. He loves you when you are not trusting Him. He loves you in your imperfections. He loves you in your tears and in your laughter. He loves you when you are not at your best. He loves who you are right now. He loves you no matter where you are 10 years from now, 30 years from now. And he loves you through eternity.
This post was meant for me to read Ange. Thank you.
He speaks so clearly.. am I always listening?
Your babies are beautiful - just so sweet!
I am blessed to see and reading all of the time that you enjoy them..
Seems to give me that nudge of encouragement that if we were to have a #10, God would again give me love over any physical discomfort, and long hard days, to give another baby.
Thank you for your encouragement.
September..you are so welcome. It is always so encouraging to know that when God is encouraging me, He is using that to also encourage others....He is amazing. I know the Lord just wants to remind me of His love for me in a season where I do not feel very lovable...but it is not about how lovable I am...it is about HOW LOVING HE IS!!! Blessings my friend! thx for always letting me be REAL!
So glad I found your blog. Your children are precious. Isn't it amazing how God speakes to us in such simple ways and yet with such a profound message.
It's also wonderful to see the paths that God leads us down.
I also have a blog and would love for you to stop by and see my family.
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