a sunny day in toasty AZ,
this family went to the park. I mean this here family....the Cogburn family!
And this sunny day was so sunny the brilliance was almost blinding. However, everything was so colorful and vibrant.
Seems like the skies are about this blue most days here in the Valley of the Sun. And every palm tree looks majestic against sapphire blue skies. One could just soak in the beauty all day long...except you might fry from the heat!
Oh happy happy day! Little girlies got to go play!
And here is another cute girlie who had a blast playing in the sunshine! Little roses bloom in the sun Heather Rose. Too bad big sister chose to stay home and study. She would have enjoyed the outing!
Well hello there freckle face Josh! The more you play in the sun, the more pennies appear on your precious cheeks...you are rich!
And Dan, you are the man! You have a nice investment of facial pennies yourself! So cute!
Jamie! We were so glad you had a blast exploring the outdoors. I am surprised you did not want to bring your novel with you to read under a tree!!
Tiny Tim! Oh so dirty! Did you get hungry and try to eat some desert dirt?
Brothers really do make the best buddies!
Peeka boo I see you Heather!
Daniel you know how to talk to the camera don't you?
Hanging out, hanging around and just going with the flow huh Josh?
It was such a fun day! The simple things are the best! No price tag can be placed upon making special memories with the family.
So until next time, we will keep living happily ever after because we just choose to!
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again--rejoice!
Phil. 4:4
15 years ago
These are just beautiful pictures! I would love to visit your desert someday! Your kids are so cute! I have a couple of kids with freckles also, I think they are so cute!
Thank you so much Karen...been thinking about you a lot...and meaning to write to you! It took me forever just to get these pics up on my blog yesterday....Sending (HUGS)!!!
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