The following day was Tommy's birthday. It was pretty laid back. John took the day off and I rested as I am still dealing with nausea. Kerry, our 15 year old, made the famous ice cream birthday cake. It was coffee and vanilla mixed with chopped Butter finger candy bars.
I am so proud of all of my children. Bradley, our 19 year old is living 1800 miles from us and is learning some great life lessons that will benefit him all through his life. He is a positive example for those he works with and is on the top of his boss's list of loyal employees.
Tommy is working hard toward his future and making all A's and B's in school. He continues to grow in his gifting of music and photography. Kerry our 15 year old is a blessing in that he does all he can to serve and help our family. He has been such a tremendous support these last two months especially the days when I could barely hold up my head from the morning sickness. He has even learned to cook a few dishes. He will be a great husband one day!
Sara, our 12 year old daughter is maturing into a strong and lovely young woman and I know that she will provide strength to others through whatever God calls her to do.
As for the little ones. They are full of joy and contentment. I look to them everyday as a source of encouragement and exhortation to just enjoy life and to be content in all situations.
I am not sure why the photos of the clouds have just touched my heart so deeply today. I think it may represent a place we are in our lives. We have been under a patch of clouds for years. Some of you know our story. However, I understand in faith that eventually the clouds break and streams of glorious light penetrate dismayed hearts. I look at the ribbons of sunlight which seem to strike with indescribable beauty and I realize that we are beginning to see the purpose of many things that we have suffered. The clouds have been breaking and we still have more to discover. However, the search is exciting and we are blessed to be walking in the light.
I just want to encourage parents today! Do not withhold words of praise from your children. Let others hear how proud you are of them. When Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist, the spirit of God descended upon him as a dove. The voice of the father exclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." If God voices His delight in his children then we must do it too. People may accuse you of pride. However when we give God all the credit for the great work taking place in our children, this is genuine pleasure being expressed through you from the heart of the Lord.
I pray for you all blessings and hope and love and joy and all the wonderful things that are already yours to relish this day!
Much Love to Everyone,
Hi Ange- Light streaming down from the clouds always makes me think of my loved ones who I believe are with God, and are just coming down from the heavens to say hello and to remind us of their love-
I love that and will think of it the next time I see sunlight steaming through the clouds!! Thank you Jenny!
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