Thursday, August 27, 2009

Introducing Maggie and Lizzie

Today I had a check up with the perinatologist just to make sure all is going well. Looks like I may be in the doctor's office just about every week from now own. But that is okay with me. I am enjoying watching the girls grow. In these 3-D sonogram photos you can get a bit of a glimpse of them. They are now 23 weeks gestation.

It is no surprise this little girl is named Margaret. Margaret means pearl. As I think of something so beautiful and rare forming within the hidden folds of an oyster , I think of little Maggie as she seems to hide her face every time I go in for an ultrasound! See how she has her little arm up and her face hidden? The technician could not get a photo of her face. Pretty little modest Maggie!

Now this little girl seems really feisty. She is strong. She hogs up all the room in my belly. But Maggie is holding her own. In one of the sonograms we saw Maggie kicking Lizzie in the head. Lizzie has a couple of strange things going on. The doctors found a little extra pouch attached to her kidney. And today, I was told that she had an increase in volume the amniotic fluid. This could be the indication of several things. However, I have tremendous peace and know that strength will be the mark of this special little girl. Elizabeth represents promise of God! She is promised. I truly believe that.

So today was quite an adventure. The pregnancy is tiring and I have a good ways to go. But I am taking it a day at a time. The family continues to be very supportive and helpful. Precious new friends here in AZ have blessed us already with clothing and other baby stuff. I received an email from a new friend...Pam. She is coming to pick me up Sunday and we are going to pick out pink yarn as she is going to make matching afghans for the girls. Wow, I am excited! And another sweet friend, Donna has graciously passed along lots of pretty pink girl outfits. God's provision continues to come. We are hoping for a new crib and a good rocking chair for rocking the babies.

Well, thanks for checking in friends. We will keep you posted. And I appreciate your interest in our lives.

Bless you all,



MapleCottage said...

They are precious! Two sweet little miracles :) :)

Karen said...

Oh how sweet! I always love to see my babies on ultrasound too!

Praying all is going well!


kblair said...

Wow - just had a goose bump moment. As I was scrolling down and saw Maggie's picture, I immediately thought it looks like she has a strand of pearls around her head. And then I continue to scroll down and read that Margaret means pearl. Wow.
Love you Ange!!!

Kelley Gardner said...

Ange - I'm so happy you are having twin girls!! I have a heart full of prayers for them!!

Love you,

Ange said...

Thanks everyone for such kind words!! I appreciate your taking time to write! Karla, you are right. I went back and looked and the cord does look like a string of pearls...wild!! And thank you for your prayers...they mean so much. Love, Ange